Whats this all about?

For a while, this space was called “The Merchant of Chaos” - a name that made sense to me as someone who struggles with consistency and thrives when the swirling energy of ideas that around me are explored. But over time, it stopped fitting.

In the current political and cultural climate, “chaos” carries connotations that don’t align with what I want this space to represent. So, I’m changing to a name that, hopefully, better reflects what I write about: Unruly Assets.

This new name keeps some of that chaos but more clearly refers to the messy, unique and mostly untapped potential of the most innovative technology we possess - the human mind. What could it mean to optimise for the greatest possible expression of that potential instead of the current system of dominating, subjugating and destroying it to the advantage of a tiny percentage of the population.

Honestly, I don’t know, but I’d like to find out. Despite working in design for decades, my primary degree was in Economics and Finance. The finance part was a struggle (thank you undiagnosed Dyscalculia & ADHD) but I loved economics. My degree was so many moons ago that I am excited to revisit the basics of economics to help me understand why so many people in power consider a more socially equitable world for all to be such an impossibility. I’ve got no answers so I will be asking questions, learning in public, and hopefully tripping across better ways forward for all of us.

I’ll also be meeting with people who are creating change, tiny social and cultural rebellions in their own, unique ways. People who couldn’t wait for the system to change so they’ve found ways to change their little patch. These are the misfits - incredible people who have the courage of their convictions and do rather than debate about change.

If you’re curious about social economics, innovative business models, technology for good, discovering the misfits creating tiny rebellions or how we unlock the latent potential within ourselves and others, I’d love for you to join me. Together, let’s embrace the unruly and see where our curiosity takes us…

(BTW my profile picture is not AI… it was a project to create a digital self portrait about 15 years ago. It still feels 100% true today… part grounded and part ether, never fully in either world).

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What happens when you take the messy, untapped potential of humanity and mix it with the evolving world of economics, technology, and social change? Asking questions, learning in public, and considering possibilities. (Formerly Merchant of Chaos)


Designer, strategist, quiet chaos merchant, mom, confounded by the infinite quest for both curiosity & clarity.