Thanks Orla. I wrote a poem this morning, never thought to publish it on Substack until I saw your post. I think the opposite to love is apathy. Caring vs not caring. It's a difficult one. I don't like a course in miracles, never read it, never want to. So you don't have to finish it! In times where language is being weaponised, where we cannot have an opinion unless it blends with the lamestream narrative, I choose to fill my social media with love. So I published my poem, and I am here to applaud your overcoming of fear. Fear is at one end, courage at the other. We are lions. Hear us roar!

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I have to admit, there has been some anger in my social media of late - isn't that the rub - love is what we crave but in the absence of any other emotion, life would be too boring to even comprehend 🤣. I want to see the full range of emotions in people - maybe I only know very chaotic people like me 😁. I love a passionate rant - not judgemental personal attacks but deep and fiery convictions 'held loosely' enough to allow in new points of view. Go you too for publishing your poem 🎉 - I must go and read it to consider apathy!

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<3 break the conditioning and reevaluate our values so that we know what is true and important - and then we can live that way. Keep on going xx

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What a lovely reconnection post Orla. And on Valentines Day. I am very much in the anti-forcing of feelings camp .... but definitely pro love in all its many guises.

Adore the idea I was reminded of earlier of Wabi Sabi - the beauty of the imperfection. And my love journey has been an experience of that (!!) The light gets in this way as Leonard Cohen sang, or the gold is used to highlight the beauty of the cracks in Wabi Sabi art. Love the raw, broken, imperfect beauty in nature, and in love to be honest.

Those connection moments come easier some days than others, but overall it's the noticing the opportunity when they arise, giving in to them, they can be unexpected, not resist the urge to reach out and grab them, or receive them with grace. Such a big part of the loving journey ... and very little to do with the 14th of February!

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I love Wabi Sabi too... I have a little box where everything broken goes and I repair it. Ruby had a beloved little Peppa Pig toy when she was around two. The arm broke off and she stopped playing with it. I fixed it with Sugru but she still wouldn't play with it and I was gutted. The fixed things always hold so much more value to me than the pristine things... the same is true of relationships. Those that have gone through the fire and come out the other side are so much more precious and cherished, sometimes fragile but all the more beautiful for it.

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'gone through fire'


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